
I hope my sincere offerings about the God of the Bible on the Musing the Mysteries Podcast will benefit you in your own pursuit of truth. Information is what I offer. Revelation and Transformation are the work of the Spirit and considerably above my pay grade. I trust he will give you what you need in order to know and love Jesus more, whether through, or in spite of my thoughts.

I believe in the local church and the role of its leaders to shepherd and teach. I have no desire to replace them but offer these teachings as supplementary to their weekly “pastoral prophetic” words to the flocks they serve.

Some of these are “Kitchen Table Talks,” cleverly entitled to signify that I recorded them in my kitchen – at the table. HopefullMTM iTunes Subscribey, what they might lack in dynamism – since I had no one in front of me to egg me on with Amens! and Hallelujahs! –  will be offset by their value in delivering food for thought and the challenge toward a deeper walk with Jesus. The others are recordings of messages I gave to churches among whom I served as pastor or as a guest speaker.

“May my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.” Deuteronomy 32:2