The Healthiest President in History?

This may not be even in the top 100 of Trump’s ridiculous claims, but sometimes I just can’t stand it anymore. Over the weekend in a Detroit rally he said this as he boasted that he had “aced” a cognitive test given him by White House physician, Dr. Ronny Jackson.  

“Does everyone know Ronny Johnson, congressman from Texas? He said I was the healthiest president, he feels, in history, so I liked him very much.”

OK, anyone can flub a name. We all do it. But it’s sorta ironic, don’t you think, he does it while bragging about his perfect cognitive test. Be that as it may, you gotta love the hyperbole of his claim that the “good doctor” said he was the healthiest president in history. Well, have you looked at a picture of him lately? OK, what can we tell from pix anyway? But the healthiest in history? Teddy Roosevelt for instance. Obama still looks pretty fit even after 8 years of being out of office… Anyway, what I wanted most was to hone in on the doctor who he claimed gave him such a perfect bill of health.

In 2018, after complaints about Jackson’s conduct, the Department of Defense Office of Inspector General (OIG) opened an investigation. It was stalled until 2019 by the Trump White House until 2021, when the OIG issued its report. It documented Jackson’s inappropriate interactions with subordinates and heavy drinking while on duty and said Jackson “made sexual and denigrating statements about one of his female medical subordinates to another of his subordinates”; he got drunk with his staff in Manilla and “disparaged, belittled, bullied, and humiliated subordinates.”

This is the “doctor” that claimed Trump was the healthiest president in US history. I guess it takes one to know one. Just sayin’

Why post this kind of stuff? Because I’m sick and tired of letting him get away with outright lying and conning his way back into the White House. And because I agree with Peter Wehner, former speech writer for three Republican presidents, when he wrote this week that Trump supporters “have talked themselves into supporting arguably the most comprehensively corrupt man in the history of American politics, certainly in presidential politics.” I personally don’t consider this hyperbole. And we’ve had a few pretty awful presidents over our storied history!

Do I really care about how many facts he can remember in order or how many push ups he can do? Nope. What I care about is that’s he’s a menace to the United States and poisonous to our society. Senator J. D. Vance of Ohio once referred to Trump as “cultural heroin,” but that was before he decided to seek power in the Republican Party and now is one of his sycophantic Vice-Presidential candidates. I guess, as many Americans have, he shot up a pretty big dose of the smack!

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